Our children helping themselves to the food we have grown in our garden.
I need to wash my carrot for I eat it.
We did a trip to the farm because some of the children’s interest in farm animals & horses.
Can you spot the hedgehog?
We got some caterpillars and learnt about the life cycle of a butterfly.
One of our butterflies died so we had a burial.
We were learning the names of the different flowers so I made a sun catcher with the flowers I picked.
Ooooh, brain freeze…..
We made our own ice. No-one told me getting it out of the glass is the problem, I wonder if this will help?
The hammer did not help, I wonder if this will work…..
What is this?
Its sticking to my fingers.
Trying to get the last apple from our tree, became a team effort for the pre-school children.
We are learning farm animal names and I learnt new word ‘Udder’.
We went to the Co-op supermarket to have a look and how eggs came in different sizes.
We learnt where eggs from as we collected Eddi’s. Eddi’s eggs were warm.
We went on a walk to look at the different leaves we can find in our local area and we bumped into a tree surgeon
Eidee likes to eat fresh grass and climbing the fence.
Collecting our eggs so we can make pancakes.
Spring is here, so our children did lots of digging to get our planters and sensory garden ready for the new season.
Some children brought their favourite herbs from home to plant in the sensory garden.
I wonder what this will taste like?
Our children were very interested in the Hungry Caterpillar book so……
We looked at the life cycle of a caterpillar.
Our butterflies are ready to fly.
Yippeee….we had snow.
In our role play area we made a Igloo.
We baked bread with Barley flour
We looked at the life cycle of barley seeds
The children went on a nature walk to observe the changes that occur in Autumn
Digging our garden so we can plant new things
Picking our grapes
“Look, they are ready for us to have for our snack”
Watering our onions and coriander
“What shall I plant in the garden?”
The eggs in the incubator, the children were counting down the days before they would hatch.
Finally, meet our new addition to the family, Eidee.

We love the chickens and the chickens love us, sometimes they give us eggs to say ‘Thank you for for taking care of us’.

Look, look even the caterpillars like our lettuce. These really must be organic.
Alhamdulillah we don’t mind sharing with all creatures.

A very, very big lettuce, just ready for our salad. We are also going to share some with the chickens inshallah.

Collecting our potatoes with Dan our gardener.
We love you Dan for all the special things you have taught us.

My sunflower is definitely the tallest.
It must have been all the duas I made. Measuring our sunflower shoots.